Wed, 04 Jun 2003

Explosives need more control

JAKARTA: The House of Representatives' Commission I for defense and security affairs called for the establishment of an independent body to control the use of explosives.

The new body, which would supervise the production, distribution, trade and documentation to do with explosive materials throughout the country, would be expected to curb the improper use of the potentially fatal materials.

The House recommended the new body on Monday following a hearing with the board of directors of PT Dahana, the state explosives supplier.

There have been several bombings in the country dating back to 2000, in large part, because of an absence of strict regulations to control illegal trade and use of explosives, PT Dahana President Director Rusbandi said.

There are nine companies authorized to produce, distribute and trade explosives. They are state-owned firms PT Dahana, PT Pindad, PT Pupuk Kaltim, as well as private companies PT Multi Nitroline Kimia, PT Tridaya Esta, PT Armindo Prima, PT Trifita Perkasa, PT Inti Cellulosa Utama Indonesia and PT Asa Karya.

Of the nine companies, only two of them, PT Dahana and PT Pindad, have licenses to supply explosives for military purposes. The other companies use explosives for commercial purposes, mostly in the mining industry. -- JP

;JP;AMD; ANPAa..r.. Scene-Hassan-PNG RI, PNG to discuss borders JP/4/SCENE

RI, PNG to discuss trade, rebels

JAKARTA: Foreign minister Hassan Wirayuda will visit Port Moresby from June 4 to June 7 for talks on border issues and plans to reinstate direct flights and land transportation connecting the neighboring countries.

The foreign ministry said in its release, during the Joint Commission Meeting that on June 6, Hassan would hold talks with Papua New Guinea prime minister Michael Somare, foreign minister Rabie Namaliu, defense minister Yarka Kappa, Parliament speaker Bill Skate and Governor General Silas Atopare.

The two countries are expected to sign a memorandum of understanding on the Cross Border Scheme on Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance.

Papua New Guinea territory has also allegedly become a hide- out for separatist rebels and who have been fighting for an independent state in Indonesia's easternmost province Papua.

The two countries opened diplomatic ties as soon as PNG claimed its independence in 1975.

Then vice president Megawati Soekarnoputri visited Port Moresby in September 2000 to improve bilateral ties between the two countries.

Trade volume reached US$40.9 million in 2001 and $60.4 million in 2002 (as of August).

Indonesian exports to PNG mostly include cacao, rubber, vehicles, electric equipment and food products, while PNG exports oil and gas to Indonesia. -- JP