Mon, 05 May 2003

Expatriates renovate Bogor school

JAKARTA: Several expatriates and members of the Jakarta Chapter of the Harley Owners Group, from Rancamaya Estate, Bogor, made a donation to renovate an elementary school building.

The renovation of Pangerasan elementary school was prompted by deep concern on behalf of the expatriates at the school's poor condition.

"Almost 70 percent of the building was a total wreck, and only two classrooms were left, but they could have collapsed at any time," said Herdiana Kiehl, one of the donors, who also works as an English teacher at the school.

The school, Kiehl said, had 122 students but only two teachers.

"We have completed renovation of the school, comprising six classrooms, a library and a staff room. And, in readiness for the new academic year in July this year, we have appointed four teachers," said Kiehl.

Hopefully, other expatriates might take similar measures to help state schools, most of which are unsuitable as study venues, she said.--JP