Tue, 16 Oct 2001

Expanding the war?

We wish victory for the United States against terrorism but we don't want its war against Afghanistan to create a new generation of terrorists who are more cruel and destructive. We want the U.S. to establish peace and concord among all nations and not to be a cause for their split or for creating hatred or feeding ethnic disputes that might create new crises and wars. We want it to establish justice and not to continue with its double standard policy or support the oppressor against the oppressed.

We want the war to end soon. The greatest danger is that the U.S. announcement that the war will be long and might target others would expand the span of the war to only end with evil consequences. This needs more consultations and coordination on all regional and international levels.

The expansion of the war would further complicate the terrorism issue which might narrow the possibility of finding a last solution. Therefore, the world community should look for other mechanism to deal with the situation immediately after the war ends.

-- Al Ahram, Cairo