Fri, 13 Jul 2001

Exercises to help keep healthy at the office

JAKARTA (JP): No one should feel resigned to suffering from discomfort while working in the office.

Office workers have a number of options they can practice to alleviate physical stress from working long hours at the desk and prevent problems from developing. Here are several suggestions: * Sit straight in a chair, with your lower back supported. * Avoid sitting in one position for more than an hour. Stand up or change positions often. * If there is not enough support from your chair, use a small pillow or rolled towel to support your lower back. * Rest your eyes every hour by closing them for half a minute. * Consider using a headset or speakerphone if you use the telephone a lot. * Adjust your computer monitor so the top of your screen is at eye level. * Take quick breaks several times an hour to stretch the muscles in your neck.

Below are exercises recommended by the medical profession to do at regular intervals at your desk in the office: * Bending: Standing upright with feet slightly apart, place your hands in the small of your back and gently bend backwards. Bend only at the waist, making sure you keep your knees straight. * Dorsal glide: While sitting or standing, look straight ahead and slowly tuck your chin in as you move your head backwards as far as it will go. Hold this position for five seconds, and then relax. Repeat six to 10 times. * Hands on head: Move your head forward, backward and side-to-side exerting slight pressure with your hands. Hold each position for a few seconds. Repeat six to 10 times. * Chest and shoulder stretch: While sitting or standing, move your head back as in the dorsal glide exercise. Bring both your arms up so that your hands are at ear level. With your palms facing out, exhale and lower your elbows back to your sides. You should feel your shoulder blades sliding down together. Hold yourself in this position for several seconds and then relax. Repeat six to 10 times. (Maria Kegel)