Tue, 29 Apr 1997

Ex-VP to give aid to 32 children

JAKARTA: Addressing a Golkar campaign rally Sunday, former vice president Sudharmono said he was moved by the hardship in Central Jakarta's Karet Tengsin slum area.

He promised to provide educational assistance to 32 children from impoverished families that cannot afford to attend school.

The former Golkar chief said the money would come from his private foundation and his "own pocket", Antara reported.

Sudharmono made the announcement after hearing accounts of the increasing hardship people have been facing in the subdistrict.

Hundreds of homes in the area were destroyed by fire last year, while other residents have been evicted to make way for development projects.

"We have been increasingly 'squeezed' by skyscrapers. We are mere spectators of the rapid development," a resident said. "Will Golkar help us?"

Golkar chairman Harmoko warned supporters last week against making empty promises during the election campaign. (pan)