Wed, 26 Feb 1997

Everyone is a winner - almost

By Djanwar Modjolelo

Dealer : South Vulnerable: None


(S) A 9 8

(H) J 6

(D) Q 5 4

(C) A Q 9 4 2


(S) 10 6 3 (S) K 7 4 2

(H) Q 10 5 4 (H) 9 8 3

(D) K 8 (D) J 10 7 6

(C) J 7 6 3 (C) K 10


(S) Q J 5

(H) A K 7 2

(D) A 9 3 2

(C) 8 5


Chemla Rohowsky Perron Reps

- - - 1D

Pass 2C Pass 2NT

Pass 3NT All Pass

This hand is a nice example of good play by both the declarer and the defense.

Chemla (France) led a natural if unfortunate low Heart won by dummy's Jack, and it is worth considering how one would proceed as Declarer from here.

Klaus Reps (Germany) found the excellent shot of a low Club from dummy, but Perron played Club 10 in perfect tempo, which held the trick.

Back came a second Heart, and Reps won the Heart Ace to play a second club.

He took some time over his decision, but eventually played dummy's Club Queen (which is only wrong if Perron has ducked from Club King 10 doubleton); a third round of Hearts left Reps without resource.

In passing, it is worth noting that the contract and opening lead were the same at the other table in this match.