Thu, 18 Jul 1996

Errant military personnel warned

JAKARTA (JP): Jakarta Military Commander Maj. Gen. Sutiyoso said that he would take stern action against military personnel found frequenting or working at entertainment establishments.

"It's a breach of the law. I will not hesitate to hand out stiff punishments to any errant personnel," Sutiyoso told reporters during an inspection at the Jakarta Military Police headquarters on Jl. Guntur, South Jakarta.

He said that low military incomes cannot be considered an excuse for wanting to earn more income by acting as security guards at such establishments.

"The officers should manage their income properly. The low level of welfare of many military personnel cannot be used as a reason to break the law," Sutiyoso emphasized.

He said there is no difference in the salaries of members of the armed forces in the country, so they should have an equal level of welfare.

The Military Command, as well as the City Police, have conducted several crackdowns on discotheques, pubs and nightclubs in the city, seizing hundreds of ecstasy pills and dozens of guns.

Some discotheque owners complained about the crackdowns, saying that the operations disturbed the privacy of patrons. The owners particularly opposed the raids which were accompanied by reporters from both the printed media and television.

Sutiyoso said the Military Command would take the complaints into consideration, saying that he would improve the way the crackdowns were conducted.

However, he pledged to continue the raids. "We will continue the crackdowns. We will probably find personnel working at or frequenting the discotheques," he added.

He said that the military has received 460 guns of various types from retired military members.

"We will continue to make inventories of guns belonging to our members as ordered by Armed Forces Chief Gen. Feisal Tanjung," he said.

On Tuesday Feisal instructed the Army, Navy, Air Force and Police chiefs to make inventories of guns and other weapons which are being held by personnel both on active duty and those who have already retired. (jun)