Sat, 05 Apr 2003

Erotic singer Inul delights Sutiyoso and city officials

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta

Popular singer and dancer Inul Daratista, who is famous for her erotic dancing, got a chance on Friday morning to perform with Governor Sutiyoso and a number of senior city officials.

Sporting one of the city administration's yellow and blue training uniforms, Inul entertained the officials -- including city police chief Insp. Gen. Makbul Padmanegara, Jakarta Military Command chief George Toy Suta, and about 2,000 people who were attending a morning exercise session at the National Monument Park (Monas).

Inul has become the talk of the town for her suggestive dancing, which local people say resembles a drilling movement. With hips swinging energetically, she entertained the audience with three Dangdut songs, namely Goyang Dombret, Goyang Dangdut and Mbah Dukun.

Many in the audience, including women and a pregnant mother, tried to get up on stage to dance with Inul, but security officers were quick to prevent them.

At the conclusion of the exercise session, many people, including the officials, appeared eager to have their photos taken with Inul.

After dancing with Inul, Sutiyoso, who was accompanied by his wife, Rini Sutiyoso, released hundreds of doves contributed by the public.

"You shouldn't catch these birds. You can feed them but you must not catch them," he was quoted by Antara as telling the members of the audience.

"We've now opened this park for public use after making various improvements. Now it's better and more convenient for people and their families to visit," he told the press.

The park used to be widely used by street vendors, but they are now prohibited from selling their wares there. Some of them, however, have been given places to trade outside of the park.