Thu, 28 Apr 1994

Environment preservation major factor in international trade

JAKARTA (JP): State Minister of the Environment Sarwono Kusumaatmadja said that Indonesia has to get its act together in environmental protection because it has become an increasingly important factor in international trade.

"We have to assure our trading partners that we are serious about dealing with environmental issues," Sarwono told participants of a discussion on environment yesterday.

He said that Indonesia, which is emerging as a major producer of light consumer products, should pay serious attention to the demands by world market for more environmentally-friendly products.

He added that manufacturers will increasingly come under stronger pressures not only come from the importing countries, but also from consumers.

Sarwono cited the example of the recent questionnaires made by a number of importing countries to 90 textile companies operating here; one question specifically asked if the companies if they used dangerous chemicals in their productions.

He said a failure to strengthen the commitment to the environment could sentence Indonesia to a tiny trading network involving countries with poor environmental awareness, meaning that it would reduce its international competition.

"We will become the sidewalk vendors of international trade," he said.

Indonesia should also consider the maneuvers by certain industrial countries to link trade with environmental considerations in order to attack potential competitors.

"Now, many countries are using environmental issues as the stick to beat us with," he said.

Sarwono believes that Indonesia should not be defensive in coping with these actions, saying that it should rather show its commitment coupling trade with environment.

He said that the commitment should come from the country itself and not because of pressures from outside parties. Once the initiative come from outsiders, he said, the latter would become dominant and dictate whatever they want.

Sarwono was keynote speaker of the discussion taking the theme of "The Role of Electronic Media in Improving People's Awareness on Environment" which was jointly organized by the Indonesian Environment Forum (Walhi) and the World Wide Fund (WWF) Indonesia Program.

Other speakers included Eduard Depari, a communication observer, and Zainul A. Suryokusumo, an official of the Association of the Indonesian Private Radio (PRSNI).

In the other part of his speech, Sarwono said people should show their commitment to environment and be willing to do something to preserve it.

"If people have already shown their strong commitment and willingness to preserve the environment, they will have 'teeth' in struggling for the efforts to preserve the environment."

He criticized activists from non-governmental organizations who merely concentrate on awakening the people's awareness about then environment, which has proven to be inadequate.

Edward said that an interesting environment campaign would be one with the message telling the people the rewards they would receive for protecting the environment. "People will tend to be more appreciative towards on positive message compared to the one which employs a fear approach."

Advertisements on environmental awareness sometimes miss their target because of the disparity in perceived interests and actual interests. (par)