Thu, 30 Jan 1997

English program (2)

I'm writing in response to the letters complaining about the English program at Regina Pacis school.

My child is currently studying at Regina Pacis. I believe the English program is working well and my child is lucky to have been given the opportunity to learn at a school with a qualified native English speaking teacher. I believe that not only is my child receiving good tuition now, but the experience will also make her more confident meeting and talking to people from overseas.

I understand mastering any language takes time. Within the first few months of the program it is unfair to judge its effectiveness. As a parent I am satisfied that my daughter is happy and benefiting from this program. It is up to all of us to do the best for our children, and I would like to applaud Regina Pacis for making this contribution towards a better style of teaching English.

Name and address

known to the editor

Note: This should end the polemics on the English program conducted by Regina Pacis.

-- Editor