Thu, 30 Jan 1997

English program (1)

I would like to comment on the letters (Dec. 27, 1996 and Jan. 21, 1997) concerning the English language program at Regina Pacis school.

The idea of conducting the English program with native English speaking teachers was proposed by Yayasan Adhikara Niat (Regina Pacis). The school felt it was time to improve students' communicative ability in English. Regina Pacis joined with Yayasan Tunas Muda to develop the English program. The agreement was officially acknowledged by the West Jakarta office of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Regina Pacis school has every intention to ensure that each student benefits from English lessons. Therefore, all students regardless of socio-economic background have an opportunity to participate in classes. Fees are structured by Regina Pacis where those more fortunate are able to assist those economically less fortunate. Hundreds of students will be able to benefit in this way.

Each class is taught by one fully qualified native English speaking teacher, and one trained Indonesian teacher, also assisted by a regular class teacher.

Programs are conducted outside regular class hours for primary 1, 2 and 3. For primary 4, 5, and 6, English is part of the compulsory elective (muatan lokal), and the lessons are conducted during school hours.


Chairman of Yayasan Tunas Muda
