Fri, 05 Jul 1996

Egyptian paper hails ties with France

Unlike many other European countries, France has earned a special status among Arabs. Egyptians in particular appreciate and acknowledge France because of its unchanging policy towards the Arab region.

A short time ago, France declared that it would support the nomination of Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, UN Secretary General, for a second term in office. The French campaign was a slap in the face to propagandists trying to undermine the image of Ghali.

That was why the brief visit by President Hosni Mubarak to France on Monday was not surprising. It was actually expected that Mubarak, organizer of the Arab summit that was held in Cairo on June 22, would never miss the opportunity to brief his friend President Jacques Chirac on the Arab summit's results and aspirations.

Mubarak's visit to France was well-timed, two days after the end of the summit held by the world's major seven powers.

Nor was it surprising that the two leaders, following their meetings, indicated that they embraced identical points of view on the Middle East peace process and other issues gripping the area.

It was no coincidence that the final communique of the major seven powers followed Arabs' appeal for just comprehensive peace in the region, based on the peace-for-land formula.

-- Egyptian Gazette, Cairo