Wed, 18 Aug 1999

Education must meet market demand

I would like to comment on the education system that has been applied so far, especially that regarding high school and university.

It is high time we reviewed the present education system because it is not so effective and it no longer suits the market. As a result, high school and university graduates are on the increase year in year out and the rate of unemployment, mainly in the regions, keeps rising. On the other hand, employment opportunities are dwindling.

In Bengkulu province, for instance, only 10 percent of university and vocational school graduates can be absorbed into the market or work on their own. This is because of the fact that the curriculum (which is the same as that used in big and industrialized cities) does not match the market demand. So accountancy and laws are practically less useful disciplines, as Bengkulu is not a business city. The region is predominantly agricultural and noted for its marine life and ore deposits. Unfortunately, the education system lacks studies in these regional potentials.

I believe that many people, especially youngsters, have a great interest in these fields and want to develop the region in accordance with local market demands. I earnestly hope that the next government will give priority and due consideration to this issue.


Bekasi, West Java