Fri, 03 Nov 2000

Edi Waluyo elected chairman

JAKARTA (JP): City Council Speaker Edi Waluyo was elected as Chairman of the Indonesian City Councillors Association on Thursday.

The association, an umbrella for the councillors from the country's 26 provinces, will function as a communication forum, especially to discuss issues on regional autonomy.

During the three-day congress, which was opened by Minister of Home Affairs and Regional Autonomy Surjadi Sudirdja on Wednesday, Maluku Council Speaker Saud Purwa, East Kalimantan Council Speaker Sukardi Jarwoputro and Riau Council Speaker Chaidir were elected as deputies to the association chairman.

Edi told the media upon his election that the association was important as a forum to discuss problems that may arise following the implementation of Law No. 22/1999 on Regional Autonomy, next January.

The congress is slated to end on Friday. (dja)