Thu, 18 Jul 1996

Ecstasy suspect on hunger strike

DENPASAR, Bali: A man arrested for allegedly trafficking Ecstasy said he will go on a hunger strike until he gets back the money he lost when he was searched at the Ngurah Rai airport several weeks ago.

The police detained the man, a Dutch national identified only as WD, for allegedly attempting to smuggling in 5,000 Ecstasy pills on July 5.

It was during the search that he claimed to have lost 3,500 guilders (US$2,064) from his wallet.

Chief of the Bali Police, Detective Col. Da'i Bachtiar, said that the suspect intends only to attract attention to speed up his trial.

"Despite our explanation that the Indonesian law is not the same as it is in his country, the suspect keeps asking when his case will be tried," Da'i said.

To date there is no specific law to deal with dealers of Ecstasy, a mixture of psychotropical drugs.

The police have resorted to using Health Law No. 23 and article 204 of the Criminal Code which deal with dangerous drugs.

A bill on psychotropical drugs will soon be submitted to the House of Representatives for further deliberation.

Da'i refused to comment on WD's claim of the missing money. (23/14)