Sat, 31 May 2003

Earthquake death toll up

AMBON, Maluku: The death toll from the earthquake in North Maluku is now two after a woman died due to medicine shortages.

North Morotai administration staff Tampi Mere confirmed on Thursday that Rabiah Doho, 40, who suffered leg and head injuries, died on Wednesday from a lack of medical treatment as the public health center was badly damaged by the tremor.

Haryanto Bayu, 3, was killed and seven people, including Rabiah, seriously injured when the quake measuring 6.4 on the Richter Scale struck the island early on Tuesday.

Nearly 200 houses and public buildings in 11 villages in the regency were damaged.

Tampi said the medical team deployed by the local administration to help the victims did not have the drugs needed to treat the wounded and the death toll may rise. --Antara