Wed, 22 May 1996

Earth Music in Bandung

BANDUNG: Music lovers will get rare treat, an Earth Music: Metamorfosa recital on May 25 in Teater Terbuka (Dago Tea House), Taman Budaya Jawa Barat.

The performance, organized by Yayasan Budaya Indonesia, Australia-Indonesia Institute and Asia Link, is an intercultural collaboration of Indonesian and Australian artists. The 11 compositions that will be presented are combinations of jazz music and Sundanese gamelan.

Opened by Rindu Order, Pajajaran University's keroncong music group from Gelanggang Seni Sastra Teater dan Film, at 7 p.m., the recital is one of the efforts toward friendship and unity of the world through music.

All of the pieces to be presented were composed by Ron Reeves, one of the members of Earth Music. Other musicians to perform are Indra Lesmana, Cendi Luntungan, Agus Super, Wahyu Roche, Agus Aki, and Mutiara.

A workshop with the performers, which is opened to students and interested participants, will be held on Monday, May 26, at the same place. (24)