Thu, 18 Jul 1996

E. Timor enjoys its 20th anniversary

DILI, East Timor (JP): The local residents celebrated their 20th year of integration with Indonesia yesterday while the provincial government reaffirmed its commitment to greater development.

The city came alive with colorful banners, tidy streets and glittering lamps. Students, soldiers, religious leaders and government officials across the territory observed the historic day through ceremony.

While leading a ceremony at his office, Governor Abilio Jose Osorio Soares said that the East Timorese were increasingly aware of the good intention of local development programs.

"They are prospering every day and are well aware that they should work hard to catch up with other provinces of Indonesia," he said.

The governor, however, regretted Portugal's refusal to observe Indonesia's integration with the province which was started by a proclamation of local political parties in Balibo, Bobonaro regency on Nov. 31, 1975.

Balibo, some 140 kilometers west of Dili, is considered the birthplace of the "Balibo Declaration" which helped propel East Timor towards integration on July 17, 1976.

The UN is yet to acknowledge East Timor's integration with Indonesia. It still considers Portugal as the territory's legitimate administrator.

In a related development, AFP news agency reported several demonstrations against the 20th anniversary of East Timor's integration.

In the Philippines, about a dozen people demonstrated at the Indonesian embassy. The demonstrators hung banners on the embassy's wall which said "support the East Timor struggle for independence". A small group of policemen watched from nearby.

In Sydney, Australia, the agency reported that a group of about 20 protesters waved placards and shouted slogans in the northern city of Darwin. (31/28)