Fri, 26 Aug 1994

E. Timor bishop set up justice commission

DILI, East Timor (JP): The local Roman Catholic Church has founded a new commission on peace and justice, whose task will also include investigating human rights conditions in the territory.

The commission held its first meeting on Wednesday evening led by Dili Bishop Carlos Felipe Ximenes Belo. Some 25 church officials were present.

Eventually, it is expected to comprise not only church officials but also government officials and representatives of society, including workers.

The commission plans to open offices in the 13 regent towns, 63 districts and 442 villages across East Timor.

"The commission aims to learn and analyze problems related to justice and help God's people fully understand their role and function in the fields of justice, peace and human rights," Belo said in a letter announcing the formation of the commission.

The commission hopes to promote reconciliation, peace and harmony among the East Timorese people, based on the Roman Catholic doctrine.

Belo said the commission would work with similar bodies throughout the world, especially those in Asia, Australia and the Vatican. (yac/emb)