Thu, 31 Oct 1996

E. Indonesia and Australia

Another step has been taken in Indonesian-Australian relations with the reaching of an agreement to form a working group to prepare the setting up of an Australia-Indonesia Development Area. Although it will take a considerable amount of time before this plan can be realized, it is to be hoped that the agreement will be a step forward in the two countries' economic relations.

As far as eastern Indonesian is concerned, this cooperation plan involving Australia will further spur the efforts to develop the areas that are still comparatively undeveloped. So far the efforts to develop the areas have had little result.

Naturally the government cannot do much without the support of the private sector. On the other hand there is not much the private sector can do, especially in the provinces, without the government providing them with adequate facilities. The government and the private sector, then, at the center as well as in the provinces, should sit down together and coordinate their steps in order that the greatest possible benefit can be reaped from the planned cooperation scheme.

Developing this region together will also help to reduce the uncertainty between the two countries. People in bordering areas will be encouraged to learn to understand each other better. This is important for both Indonesians and Australians as they work together to achieve a brighter future for the Asia-Pacific region.

-- Bisnis Indonesia, Jakarta