Wed, 26 Jun 1996

Duty free cards

There are many rumors around Jakarta, and some probably true, that non embassy people's Duty Free Cards are being refused renewal and altogether will not be issued in the very near future.

The current regulation on renewal states quite emphatically that "Duty Free cards are available to Embassy and Aid employees" plus: Employees of companies that have a Contract with the Government of Indonesia, i.e. PSC's, C.o. W's, foreign and domestic investment companies.

Embassy personnel have access to duty free goods within their own Embassy but for other people this is one privilege that is nice to have.

The three (3) government companies that process duty free imports will certainly suffer and the four (4) duty free shops will likely go bankrupt in a short while if the rumors are true.

Is the Law/Regulation going to be revoked or is something else going on?

