Sat, 11 Sep 1999

Drug rehab center opens in Bogor

JAKARTA (JP): The Bogor Hospital for the Mentally Ill in cooperation with Permata Hati Kita foundation officiated on Thursday at the opening of a drug rehabilitation center here in Bogor.

The center, located near the hospital compound on Jl. Dr. Semeru No. 112-116, consists of two separate boarding houses: the Arjuna for male drug addicts and Srikandi for female patients.

"People from all age groups are welcome to take part in the treatment," said Ministry of Health chief of mental health Yumansyah Idris.

The program supported the patients' recovery by lecturing them to instill the belief that their families and the entire community wanted drug victims to return to their normal lives and be normal healthy human beings.

The hospital has already taken in drug addicts as patients since last month.

Interested parties can call (0251) 382052. (edt)