Fri, 22 Nov 1996

Driver clubs

I was shocked to read the article on Nov. 8, 1996, titled Driver clubs more convenient and efficient in Jakarta. I really had the worst experience with the Maulana Drivers Club recommended in the article.

On June 22, 1995, I hired a driver from this club. He turned out to be the worst driver we ever had. The driver took me to my husband's office at 1:30 p.m. I then pointed to Hotel President, which is just in front of his office, and asked him to take me there quickly and wait for me there. However, when I came out of the office, the driver was nowhere to be found. I became worried about our car, and searched several places, including the parking lot at my husband's office, near our home, and of course, the hotel. However, we were unable to find our car.

Finally, at 6 p.m. (after five and a half hours) we decided to phone the Maulana Drivers Club to ask for their help to find both the driver and our car. It was too much.

But the club itself was also insincere in responding to our problem. I asked if I could speak directly to the manager. I was told: "He is praying." I heard him laughing with another man in his office, saying (in the local language) that he had told a lie to the "stupid foreigner". This made me angry. Then I shouted at him that I would call the police. The man answered: "Do as you like." I did call the police.

We could not sleep that night worrying about our car. Thanks to the kind help of the police, on the following day we found our car. Our experience should serve as a bad advertisement for the Maulana Drivers Club.

