Mon, 08 Jul 1996

Dozens of women rounded up in discotheque raids

TANGERANG, West Java (JP): Almost 1,000 members from the local Moslem community staged a street demonstration on Saturday to demand that three night establishments in Tangerang, West Java be closed down for various violations.

Riding in five trucks and 10 vans, the protesters went to FM3 Transit Hotel on Jl. MH Thamrin, Tangerang. They accused the hotel's owner of providing prostitutes to visitors. They also said the hotel was being used as a brothel.

The demonstrators, led by a well-known local figure, Edy Sulaeman, spread banners condemning discotheques, which they said were being used for drug deals, including Ecstasy. Some of the banners read Ecstasy Datang, Tangerang Gersang (Here comes Ecstasy, Tangerang is getting dry).

Edy, with megaphone in hand, explained why the group staged the protests. He also read statements supporting President Soeharto's recent instruction to close down nightspots that are found violating regulations. "We hope that the night establishments will not get their operation permits extended in the future," Edy said.

The group then proceeded to the Model Discotheque on Jl. Merdeka, which they said was being used for Ecstasy trafficking. The last target was Singapore Karaoke, which is blamed for featuring striptease dancers and other "impolite" singers, who, they said, sang wearing only underwear.

The street demonstration, which began at 8:30 p.m., apparently created traffic congestion. Police officers observing the demonstration around the nightspots refused to comment when asked if such actions were proper. The three entertainment centers closed down soon after the demonstrators left.

Local residents said the three establishments ignored written warnings from the local authorities.

Also on Saturday, South Jakarta police officers seized dozens of Ecstasy pills and a gun during a crackdown at the M Club discotheque at the Blok M shopping center.

An officer at the South Jakarta Police Precinct said the gun, an FN 99mm caliber pistol, was seized from a young man visiting the nightspot.

The Ecstasy pills were found in the wallets of some other patrons.

"This crackdown was the second at the discotheque. We will continue to crack down on crime action and Ecstasy pills," the officer, who requested anonymity, said yesterday.

The police then moved to another discotheque, La Fonta, which is also located in the Blok M area.

No arrests were made during the four-hour crackdown, which began at 11 p.m.

On Friday, police, together with officials from Central Jakarta's public order office rounded up dozens of girls in raids on five discotheques on Jl. Gajah Mada, Central Jakarta.

Tugiman Supangkat from the public order office said the girls were detained because they failed to show their identity cards.

"The girls who are proven to be prostitutes will be sent to a social service institute on Jl. Kebun Jeruk in West Jakarta," he said on Saturday.

Friday night's raids began at 10 p.m and lasted four hours. The five discotheques raided were Malioboro, Lisa Dangdut, Widuri, Duta and Freedom.

Malioboro's general manager, Herman, failed to show the disco's operating permit. The disco is better-known as Kings Cross.

An officer at the public order office said the Malioboro discotheque had not applied for an operating permit.

A police captain at the Gambir police subprecinct said that no Ecstasy pills or other prohibited drugs were seized in the raids: "The discotheque visitors had possibly thrown their Ecstasy pills into the toilets before the officers entered the building."

Ecstasy and prostitution raids have been conducted recently by the city councilors, with help from the city police and military police.

Some hotels in West Jakarta which provided rooms for "working girls" were also raided over the weekend.

Some girls were allegedly caught naked with male customers in their rooms. They were then taken to the local police station for questioning.

The latest Ecstasy raid by the military police was at Poster Kafe on Jl. Gatot Subroto last Thursday.

Police confiscated 52 Ecstasy pills, a gun and three knives. Fourteen people, including nine women, were arrested. (18/sur/jun/25)