Tue, 26 Jul 2005

Don't tell the President what to do

I would like to react to the letter Open letter to the President in The Jakarta Post on June 25, written by A. Mulders, EB Helden, Holland.

I too, am a foreigner in your country and when I read the aforementioned letter, I felt ashamed to have the same nationality.

I was born and raised in this beautiful country, was forced to leave this country, which I still consider my tanahair (fatherland), and therefore, I believe I have a pretty good idea of the Indonesian adat (custom).

I am fortunate to be able to come and visit this country two or three times a year. The points that Mulders quotes, I feel cannot be accepted. One cannot tell the President what to do or not to do. I am pretty sure that the President himself is fully aware of all that still needs to be done in his country.

Mulders is a guest over here and if he cannot respect the people and the way of living Indonesian have, it is better not to visit this country anymore.

ALEXTINE VOOGEL, BM Lathum, The Netherlands