Don't take education for granted
It is understandable that we have been focusing on the recent legislative election. Although, everybody should be aware that we still have another big problem: Education.
Educational issues cover not only the quality of national education, but also the quality of the infrastructure we have.
We were shocked by the report of the collapse of a school building in Banten, leaving at least 20 students wounded. Similar incidents had previously taken places. Given such a catastrophe, many say that even schooling is dangerous in the country.
If we fail to deal with the hardware of education then when do we talk about the more substantial issue of education; human resources?
We must be more serious in educating the next generation. We must provide children with better quality education, or else we will bring the country to destruction.
We must acknowledge that we've neglected the education of our younger generations. Worst, the current leaders of the nation have failed to set good examples for the younger generation.
-- Kompas, Jakarta