Thu, 06 Oct 1994

Districts face food shortages

JAYAPURA, Irian Jaya: Three districts located in the remote parts of Paniai regency are facing food shortages because incessant rains have destroyed the crops.

The rain, which has fallen since May, has destroyed the sweet potatoes which are the staple of the local people's diet, chief of the provincial office of the Ministry of Social Services Oman Sudarman told Antara yesterday.

The districts most affected are Kamu, Paniai Timur and Tigi.

Despite the disaster, he said, the office has not received any request from the regency administration to supply food.

"We are aware of the food shortage, but we still don't have any idea about the number of people needing assistance," he said.

Oman said that the office could not distribute food without proper coordination from the regency. (par)