Dissolving BPKP, saving money
Delivering his speech at the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Annual Session, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) chief Satrio B. Joedono proposed that the MPR dissolve the Development and Financial Control Board (BPKP) and merge it into BPK for reasons of cost efficiency and avoidance of audit duplication.
As our country is now sustaining a huge debt, the MPR should immediately take up this suggestion and follow it up by deciding to dissolve the BPKP. The proposal is reasonable and objective, without any political motive. There is no reason why the MPR should not accept it.
In fact, besides the BPKP, the Supreme Advisory Council (DPA) and some other ministries, whose contribution to the country to promote the country's economy is doubtful, such as the State Ministry for Women's Empowerment, the State Ministry for Administrative Reforms and the Ministry for Religious Affairs, should be dissolved.
Others, such as the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries could be consolidated to become one, while the State Ministry for Eastern Indonesian Development could be made part of the National Development Planning Agency. Next, the State Ministry for Tourism and Culture should be merged with the Transportation Ministry, etc.
Other ministries, whose survival needs to be reviewed too, should streamline some of the organizations under their supervision, like institutions, agencies, ad hoc teams, commissions and other non-ministerial bodies that have taken much of the state budget.
Singapore, a rich country in southeast Asia, has become worried about its economic situation and has immediately taken various measures to protect its economy in order to prepare itself for the impact of the Sept.11 attacks on the twin towers of the World Trade Center, a phenomenon likely to plunge the world economy into a severe recession.