Tue, 28 Jan 1997

Disparities trigger riots

Disparity has been raised as one cause of the recent riots. This opinion was aired by scholars at a one-day seminar held by the Center for Information and Development Studies. The scholars, Sarlito Wirawan Sarwono and Arbi Sanit, deserve the attention of the authorities and the core of the problem should be studied.

I agree completely with the scholars because their statement is backed by experience and knowledge. We should also not neglect Prof. Dadang Hawari's comment. He said that religious, ethnic and racial disputes could easily explode in a stressful society.

I am happy that the government decided to set up riot alert centers throughout the country. I hope the increased number of organizations will serve to improve the situation and will not become another way of spending extra money for the people.

I think if we are true upholders of the Pancasila ideology, disturbances would not occur. Pancasila teaches us to be tolerant and to solve problems through negotiations instead of violent actions. If violence is considered the best way to solve problems, the armed forces would always win temporarily.

