Disgusting, barbarous
From Kompas
Disgusting, barbarous, insane, sadistic... It seems that there aren't any more appropriate words to describe the rape of the wife and children of the Acan family in Bekasi.
The rapists must be arrested. Don't let this story pass away just and be forgotten like other news on criminal cases, even though it is tough for the police to seize the rapists.
We feel it necessary to consider changing the articles in the criminal law about the punishment of rapists. There have been countless victims. Don't let rapists laugh at the law in this country. There are so many women in this country. We have the power to influence the government to change the law.
Let's unite!
There is another thing needed to be addressed: we do not have an official state committee that handles victims of rape and sexual harassment. This committee would be especially useful to help the victims heal the pain in their hearts. Mrs. Acan and her two daughters need such a place to talk and to restore their inner confidence. Thanks to Sita Aripurnami from Kalyanamitra group who has started this.
We are angry and shed tears for the Acan family and pray for them, hoping that they are always in God's hands and are strong. There is still a long way to go.