Fri, 15 Jul 2005

Disgraceful cartoon

Often one resorts to a plethora of superlatives to describe Indonesia: the most populous Muslim nation, the largest archipelago, as well as having the largest lizard in the world, to mention just a few. And it is with the old adage "a picture is worth a thousand words" that one is compelled to add to the list.

On July 9 (page 7), The Jakarta Post, either through arrogance or insensitivity, published the most atrocious, offensive, deplorable and unjustifiable "cartoon" satirizing the horrific bombings in London. Personally, I didn't think it humanly possible to find an "amusing" angle to these events.

So, this letter is solely directed to those who were responsible for its creation and publication. It clearly shows the contempt you have for the expatriate community, let alone anyone who possesses an ounce of moral or ethical aptitude.

The "cartoon" speaks volumes about your support for the actions of the bombers as being superior, stronger, more cunning and defiant than the supposed bumbling ineptitude of the British guards.

JANIELLE WILSON, Bontang, East Kalimantan