Fri, 14 Oct 1994

Disabled Games opened today

JAKARTA (JP): First Lady Mrs. Tien Soeharto is scheduled today to open the second National Games for the Mentally Disabled at the Madya Senayan stadium, the games' organizer, Special Olympics Indonesia (SOI), announced yesterday.

SOI, established in 1989, is the 79th member of the Washington D.C-based Special Olympics International, which was set up by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in 1968.

A total of 175 athletes and officials from Indonesia's 15 provinces, Hong Kong and India will take part in the three-day sports meet featuring track and field, badminton, table tennis, soccer and volleyball.

According to SOI, the games, will serve as a forum to select those who will don the national colors in the ninth International Summer Special Olympics Games in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S., next July. (arf)