Mon, 26 Oct 1998

Direct donations

I wish to respond to the letter in your paper of Sept. 29 from Wilhelm Rehli titled "Donation from expatriate".

I was horrified at your answer. Sarcasm about a subject that concerns so many people and which is featured in your paper does little to help. The donor was obviously trying to help in a large way and was not comfortable with the regular channels. A lot of Indonesians and expats share the same views as most charitable organizations. They feel that they do not truly know where their money is destined to end up. It could reach the people needing it, but the past shows us that it could line a few pockets before getting to the hands of those in need.

What organization you recommend will remain your secret since it seems from reading your answer that you wish this gentleman to act on blind faith. He must trust that by giving you the funds directly they will end up in the hands of those in direct need. Whomever you deem that to be.

Might I suggest that if Mr. Rehli or others are leery of just donating their money they might want to purchase basic foodstuffs in bags and give them out directly. There are many stores that will make up bags to order. For example, one can put together a bag that contains rice, cooking oil, sugar, instant noodles and other foodstuffs that can help feed hungry people.

Instead of donating funds, if one puts their donation into a bank time deposit, the interest could be used for ongoing donations. The high interest rate lends itself to this type of investment.

There is quite a bit of direct contact between the poorer, smaller villages and people wanting to help. It seems that the government, foundations and other charitable organizations concentrate their efforts on the larger masses of poor. They often overlook the small pockets of poor living in squalid conditions all over the country. Here in Jakarta there are many such villages, but since they are often inaccessible by road, they are out of sight and therefore out of mind.

If we all give some thought to what can be done and do it, many people will benefit. I agree with Mr. Rehli that it is up to those of us who can help, no matter in how small a way, to do so.

