Fri, 07 Mar 1997

Dili defends jobs policy

DILI: The East Timor administration is to retain its policy of sending youths to other provinces to reduce unemployment despite persistent criticism, a local official said yesterday.

The head of the provincial manpower office, Ign. Mujihartono,. said the policy was needed because 18,000 East Timorese are jobless.

"The sending of workers will continue until local job seekers can be accommodated in East Timor," he said.

Unemployment is a delicate issue in the youngest province. Critics say the manpower export policy only leads to more skilled people from other provinces streaming in to find jobs. They say that many key positions in the government are held by migrants, especially by people from Java.

Mujihartono said the government had recently recruited 3,000 East Timor natives to the civil service in a bid to improve the balance.

"East Timorese sent to other provinces are supposed to bring home expertise and experience," he told Antara. (pan)