Thu, 14 Feb 2002

Different orbits

Vehemently arguing that Indonesia is predominantly a Muslim country and the current moral crisis can only be solved through Islamic law, some people have insisted on incorporating syariah into the Constitution since the downfall of the New Order regime.

The groups who want to include the seven-word-phrase dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya (to implement Islamic law for its followers) into the Constitution maintain that it is not going to harm other religions.

They, however, forget that the inclusion of the seven words may turn this country into an Islamic state. The nation's integrity will be at stake since followers of other religions will break away from the Republic of Indonesia. The people of this pluralistic country who enjoy religious and cultural pluralism will no longer accept differences of opinion.

We all know that the world's biggest religions are Islam and Christianity, but it is highly unlikely that the whole world could be turned into an Islamic or Christian state.

This is proved by the inception of the Madinah Chapter during the life of Prophet Muhammad. The Madinah Chapter states that the two parties agree not to harm one another. This was meant to create peace between the two biggest followers -- "I have my own religion and you have yours". How did the chapter come into existence?

Because during the Isra Mi'raj (the ascent of Prophet Muhammad to heaven) where all people were united, there was a miracle: The sky split. This event proved that the two followers were at different poles. To unite them was akin to uniting the moon and the sun. They both stay in their own orbit. We all acknowledge the calculation of the solar year for Christians and lunar year for Muslims .

Please be aware, my Islamic friends, one of our Prophet's tasks was to unite people under Tauhid (the acknowledgement of one God). And Sukarno enshrined this in the state ideology of Pancasila. Therefore, the nation is based on Pancasila. This is final. It cannot be changed into an Islamic country. Contain and fight your own desires as your biggest enemy is your own self. Islam is only for those who think. Please contemplate on it!


Serang, Banten