Wed, 14 Sep 2005

Diarrhea kills three infants

BANDARLAMPUNG, Lampung: The diarrhea outbreak that has affected Lampung province over the past month has so far claimed the lives of three infants. The latest victim was Arbi, 1, an child from South Lampung regency, who died of diarrhea and pneumonia on Monday night, according to hospital data.

Health officials expressed concern that the number of fatalities could increase as the number of children brought to hospital for diarrhea had been on the rise over the past week.

In Abdoel Moeloek Hospital, 40 children were treated for diarrhea last week, but now the number has climbed to 79.

In order to prevent more fatalities, Reliyani, the chief of Abdoel Moeloek Hospital, called on local residents to bring children with diarrheal symptoms to hospital as earliest possible to receive intensive medical treatment. -- JP