Dialog on abortion futile
The so-called dialog in the "Your Letters" section of The Jakarta Post concerning abortion has been an interesting one. It reiterates the world-wide debate between two "rights" -- the right of women to decide what happens within their own bodies and the right of the unborn to live.
Both sides express their opinions in absolute terms, often citing religion as the base for their conflicting views of morality. This makes real dialog an impossibility. No consensus can be achieved when each side knows, with certainty, that it alone is supported by God.
The reality is that the entire dialog is futile -- but not solely because neither side really wishes open communication. Rather, the reality reflects an idea expressed long ago by Voltaire, who suggested that the "big issues" in society are never really resolved, but simply cease to be big issues as the world moves on to other concerns.
In this case, the "morning after" pill will soon be perfected (two different versions are already available in some countries).
When abortion can be achieved as easily as taking a vitamin pill, the "dialog" will just fade away.