Fri, 18 Aug 1995

Developers renege on promises

JAKARTA (JP): Most housing developers in Bogor, some 60 km from here, have reneged on their promises to hand over social and public facilities to the city administration in return for building permits.

"We have set up a special team assigned to remind the developers of their obligations, but many of them appear not to give a damn about what the team members have asked them to do," Denny M, chief of the public relations section of the Bogor administration, told Antara on Tuesday.

Developer indifference has led to the deterioration of many public facilities, including a number of roads that should have been handed over to the city administration five years ago.

Denny cited the road around the Pagelaran park as a case in point. "The road is badly damaged. It has prompted dozens of drivers of city public transportation vehicles to issue a written statement that they will go on strike unless we immediately do something to improve the condition of the road."

He said the developer concerned has reneged on its promise to improve the road despite the fact that the city administration has already issued a permit for the company to build a housing complex. (bas)