Thu, 01 Sep 1994

Design of Awards trophy based on history

The Asian Management Awards trophy presented to award recipients at last night's awards ceremony in Jakarta is designed and executed in glass by award-winning international artist Impy Pilapil.

It uses an emblem endorsed by King Charles I of Spain --the two pillars of Hercules and the scrolled motto Plus Ultra.

Hercules was the most venerated Greek hero. It was on one of his many adventures that Hercules erected the two pillars, one on Gibraltar in southern Europe and the other on Ceuta in Africa.

These pillars of Hercules were thought to mark the edge of the civilized world. Inscribed on these pillars were the words Ne Plus Ultra.. Charles I had a different perspective on the world: he removed Ne to signify that wondrous lands remained to explore beyond the pillars.

From this emblem evolved the modern 'S' symbol--the two pillars and the scroll--used for many of the world's currencies. In fact, there are three symbols. First is the dollar, representing profitability evolving from the organization's performance. Second is the motto Plus Ultra, signifying that there is more beyond and more to achieve.

Third is the globe, illustrating the new breed of managers needed for Asian organizations in the 1990s and beyond, managers who are truly global managers.