Tue, 30 Aug 1994

Depok terminal

From Neraca

A few days before the celebration of the 49th anniversary of the Indonesian proclamation of independence, Depok Town Administration launched an operation code named "K3 Operation." K3 stands for kebersihan (cleanliness), ketertiban (order) and keindahan (beauty) and it was meant to rid the bus terminal of ticket scalpers and hawkers, and regulate vehicles entering and leaving the terminal.

The movement was a great success, orderliness prevailed, cars, entering and leaving the terminal were moving in an orderly manner. However, after the 17th of August celebration was over, the operation was stopped. Then the old scene at the Depok terminal was back. Hawkers were swarming the area and ticket scalpers resumed their business, shouting out where the vehicles were bound for. Actually, even without them the commuters know perfectly well which vehicles go to what destinations.

Also it is very disheartening that the roads leading to the station are in bad condition. During the dry season the dust flies like a mass of smoke every time a vehicle passes which causes poor visibility and makes breathing uncomfortable. In mentioning this I hope to bring this matter to the authorities' attention.


Depok, West Java