- Dec. 31
A. Djisman Simanjuntak: Executive director of the Prasetiya Mulya Management Institute, Jakarta.
B. Bambang Brodjonegoro: Member of the Department of Economics, University of Indonesia, Jakarta.
C. Purbaya Y. Sadewa: Senior economist, and energy and industry analyst for the Danareksa Research Institute, Jakarta.
D. Lini Djafar: Director, Head of Research and Consultancy, PT Procon Indah, Jakarta.
E. B. Herry-Priyono: Lecturer and Head of Postgraduate Academic Programs at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta.
F. Satish Mishra: Head/Adviser of The United Nations Support Facility for Indonesian Recovery (UNSFIR), Jakarta.
G. Haryono Aswicahyono: Researcher at the Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta.
H. Puspa Delima Amri: Researcher at the Department of Economics, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta.
I. M. Chatib Basri: Deputy head of the Institute for Economic and Social Research (LPEM) at the School of Economy, University of Indonesia (UI), Jakarta.
J. Vedi R. Hadiz: Lecturer at the National University of Singapore, author of Workers and the State in New Order in Indonesia.
K. Hadi Susastro: Economist and Executive Director of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Jakarta.
L. Fauzi Ichsan: Economist, the Standard Chartered Bank, Jakarta.