Mon, 07 Jul 1997

Cricket 2

I'm referring to Piero Ronci's letter Cricket and colonialism (June 28).

On the topic of colonialism, the history books show that former colonies of the British Empire were left in remarkably good shape after Pom's departure. For example, India, the world's largest democracy, Singapore, one of the chief tigers of Southeast Asia along with its burgeoning neighbor Malaysia. Hong Kong speaks for itself and the African nations were also left with democratic systems of government which have since slipped into disarray of their own making.

Britain left her colonies with a sense of national pride and well being which is more than can be said for the other colonial masters. And as for Mr. Ronci's native country, well, the history books show what they did to Somalia and Ethiopia.

As for his assertions about cricket linked to colonialism, cricket is a game of gentility and intellect often referred to as "chess on grass" which is more than can be said for that Neanderthal bat and ball game the Americans are exporting around the world. Just look at the instrument with which it is played, a caveman's club.

What about the other great sports that the Brits have given the world such as tennis, squash and badminton, of which Indonesia is a world leader and was not even a British colony. Sir Stanford Raffles influence here, perhaps? These examples are to name but a few.

