Wed, 19 May 1999

Crazy advice

What Mr. Dirk J.J. Vleugels suggests -- that Indonesia should vote for a president who does not have a religion -- is unreasonable (The Jakarta Post, May 12, 1999, A neutral president). In fact, religion does not belong to the 19th century only, but is needed in all centuries. You must be deaf or maybe blind, Mr. Vleugels. For centuries, religion has not been a burden to a country. On the contrary, it may have added value.

Then I wonder how such a letter like that could be published in this newspaper. You have press freedom now, but of course an article must be read before being approved for publication.

I don't understand either why a man like Mr. Vleugels is allowed to stay in Indonesia for a long time. Should we sacrifice this country only for the sake of tourism? I suggests to the government to deport Mr. Vleugels as soon as possible before his opinion has some influence over people's minds.


Tangerang, West Java