Cowardice and hypocrisy
From Berita Buana
I am really distressed at the cowardly and hypocritical attitudes of people in leadership positions, who always try to evade responsibility by taking advantage of their boss' charisma.
When under fire they say: "I didn't do that," or "I don't know, I only did what I was told to do."
Sometimes, they will even publicly state "that is the President's decision."
They all too readily wash their hands of responsibility, and shift any blame to others.
On the other hand, if all goes well, they say: "That was my concept," or "He just made the draft."
I wonder when these wrongdoers will bravely admit their mistakes and take full responsibility for issues, instead of behaving like cowards and hypocrites. It is true that one can tell a lie to the community, but a hidden feeling of guilt will always follow one like a shadow.
Name and address withheld