Fri, 14 Oct 2005

Court 'pimping RI woman'

What a great story Want to marry RI woman? Pay Rp 500m in deposit was, when it appeared in the Oct. 10 edition of The Jakarta Post. While they can't even deal with the multitude of cases of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN) in the country, now the Supreme Court has the bright idea that they will control who people marry.

It seems to me that they didn't realize that their existing stupid law is already demonstrably unfair to all Indonesian women who marry foreigners. Now they are planning to charge foreign men US$50,000 just to marry Indonesian woman?

There will be many wives of foriegn men who are quietly thanking God they have already tied the knot because if this new law is put in place, most women will only be "married" to foreign men.

To the Supreme Court: Are you trying to treat women here as commodities? Aren't migrant workers doing the job well enough?

Will a foreign woman also be charged the same price if she wants to marry an Indonesian male; wouldn't this be a great joke?

There is, of course, is a hidden motive behind these plans: Money. It's a great way to make money out of fact that many Indonesian women simply prefer to marry foreign men. Just like a papa-san.