Thu, 08 Jul 2004

Councillors reported for alleged corruption

TANGERANG: The Tangerang Non-Governmental Organization Forum (NGO Forum) reported seven members of Tangerang municipality council to the Tangerang Prosecutor's Office for alleged misuse of the council budget.

NGO member Imron Khamami accused councillors Gian Sugiharsono, Jhoni Suherlan, Burhanuddin, Krisna Gunata, Tb. Busro, Daryanto and the council secretariat's finance head Dian Ferdian of responsibility for marking up last year's council budget from September to December.

"The total markup was Rp 1.36 billion (US$ 161,326) within that period," he said on Tuesday.

The allegation was made after the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) examined the Tangerang municipal administration financial reports in December and discovered irregularities.

Activist Muslih Muhamad Amin said the administration had allocated a total of Rp 1.47 billion for the council operational budget and spending. However, a financial reports by the administration on Dec. 31, 2003, revealed that it had disbursed Rp 2.83 billion, or almost double the approved allocation. -- JP