Mon, 31 Aug 1998

Cookie firm worker charged in scam

BOGOR (JP): A prosecutor has demanded a three-year jail sentence for a man accused of swindling Rp 200 million from his company.

Prosecutor Yono Salim told the Bogor District Court Saturday that defendant Komarudin bin Junaedi, 39, embezzled the money from CV Jaya Baru cookie company from 1994 to 1997. The firm belongs to businessman Anwar Wijaya.

"The defendant was entrusted by the company to distribute the cookies to shops using the company's van. The cookies he carried were valued at Rp 4 million per trip," Yono told the court.

Upon his arrival back at the office, the defendant reported to his boss that the shop owners elected to postpone payment.

"Actually, the shop owners had paid the defendant," the prosecutor said.

Komarudin also allegedly doctored bills to make it appear shop owners wanted the payment deferral.

"His wrongdoings caused the company a total loss of Rp 200 million," Yono said. (ind/24)