Wed, 23 Mar 2005

Convicted Nigerians seek judicial review

TANGERANG: The Tangerang District Court started on Tuesday the judicial review of two Nigerians on death row -- Samuel Iwukchukwu Okoye, 36, and Hansen Anthony Nwalise, 38 -- who were sentenced to death for drug smuggling in 2001.

They, however, offered no new evidence, which is a prerequisite for a convict to seek a judicial review.

"We have realized that we are guilty of smuggling drugs and if the court extends our lives, we can still improve ourselves in prison," Nwalise told the hearing presided over by judge Suprapto.

The hearing was adjourned until Wednesday (today) when prosecutor Hutagaol will read out counter statements against the case review request.

Okeye was sentenced to death on July 5, 2001 for smuggling 3.8 kilograms of heroin into the country from India, while Nwalise was sentenced to death on Aug. 14, 2001.

The Supreme Court has rejected their appeals for clemency. --JP