Wed, 16 Apr 1997

Consumers demand justice

The explanation by the chief director of state electricity company PLN on Sunday's power outage underscores the position of consumers. They are all too easily penalized for being late in paying their bills yet it is difficult for them to demand accountability from PLN.

The minister of mines and energy's statement that the power cut was planned casts an even more serious light on the situation. The providers of our public services can implement measures that are planned in advance and damaging to consumers without even bothering to notify them.

In the past few years, however, we have witnessed a growing awareness among our people on their rights and obligations, occurring at the same time their tolerance of social and economic injustice declines. Our people have a heightened awareness of their position in society and no longer submit passively to unjust and arbitrary acts.

The continuation of this trend will lead to the emergence of a consumer society in which the public is fully aware of its rights and obligations, and in which rational thinking prevails. The people, having fulfilled their obligations as consumers, will demand better service in return.

The power blackout should serve as a reminder for us to start improving the quality of our public services.

-- Republika, Jakarta