Tue, 18 May 1999

Congratulations on your website!

Congratulations on your excellent website. I have used it to read current articles and look for past articles, so I have found it very useful.

There are a few things that I think you can do to make the website more accessible. First of all, it is better to simplify the name of the website: www.thejakartapost.com to www.jakartapost.com. I understand that you want to promote The Jakarta Post name, but for the virtual world, the smaller the memory needed, the better. When I wanted to get into the site, I did not know the name of the website, but I thought I should try jakartapost.com. I think that this would be the logical thing that Internet users would do, too.

Also, it is a very good idea to register the website via altavista or yahoo or any other search engine. This is free of charge, and it will immediately place the website in a registry, so that people searching for The Jakarta Post for example by typing "jakarta post" in their search engine, would get a listing that included the website address.

I looked for an article that apparently was limited to members, but when I clicked on the "members" button, it led me to "preview". I realize that the website is new, and that small gliches like this, of course, could always happen.

I trust that you will get this fixed right away.

I am glad that finally the Post has gained confidence in the benefits of the virtual world. I wish you the best of success.

